
Asynchronous video communication: How to keep your remote team engaged and productive

Learn about the benefits of using asynchronous video communication for remote teams to increase productivity.
Alexandra Ceambur
August 10, 2023

Discover the power of asynchronous video for remote teams! Learn the advantages of this cutting-edge technology and how it can help your team improve communication and boost productivity.

Managing remote teams that are spread out across different locations and time zones can be a difficult task - even for the most skilled leaders. Some of the main challenges include poor communication and low productivity. So how can you overcome these difficulties and ensure that your team is engaged, well-informed, and working on a common goal? 

The solution you need is asynchronous video communication.

What is “asynchronous communication”?

When it comes to communication in remote teams, there are two main types: asynchronous and synchronous. 

  • Synchronous communication happens simultaneously, at the same time. For instance, a live conference call is a form of synchronous communication because all participants receive the information at the same time. 
  • To put it in contrast, asynchronous communication refers to a communication that doesn't happen at the same time, or where there is a lag. For example, an email is an example of asynchronous communication where one person shares information by sending an email, and then there's a delay before the recipient accesses the information and responds.

Examples of synchronous vs asynchronous communication in remote teams

  • Asynchronous communication includes methods such as emails, letters, message boards, dashboards, pre-recorded videos, online training, and corporate announcements. 
  • Synchronous communication, on the other hand, involves video conferences, live chat, audio calls, team-building activities, in-person seminars, and 1:1 performance reviews.

What's the difference between synchronous vs. asynchronous videos?

Synchronous videos require all parties involved to attend a live video call or meeting at the same fixed time. In contrast, asynchronous videos are pre-recorded videos that can be accessed (and replayed) at any time by the participants, rather than requiring everyone to join a live call. 

Why asynchronous video communication is crucial for the success of remote teams? 

Asynchronous video communication is taking over the remote business world - and for good reason! This technology enables team members to communicate with each other at any time of the day, which offers more flexibility for remote teams. Asynchronous videos also allow users to share information, conduct video training, collect feedback, and work closely on shared projects. Apart from keeping everyone connected, you also can review, and update content as frequently as you need, making it a vital tool for keeping a remote team running.

Benefits of using asynchronous video communication in remote teams

Using asynchronous video communication offers several advantages. In this post, we will focus on the top three benefits, which include: improved communication, higher productivity, and a stronger team culture.

#1: Enhanced communication

Using asynchronous video can improve team communication, which is one of its key advantages. Some of your remote team members, who are introverts or lack confidence, might struggle to speak up and be heard during meetings. As a result, only the loudest voices will dominate discussions, and some important ideas will be lost. Asynchronous video gives every team member the chance to have their voice heard, while not facing the pressure of speaking in front of a large group meeting. As a result, you’ll get better ideas and solutions to problems within your team.

#2: Increased productivity

Another benefit of using asynchronous videos is that they can increase productivity. With asynchronous video communication, team members can record and share information without the need for lengthy meetings. This also improves time management, as members can watch and respond to videos when it best suits their workflow. Overall, if you're working remotely, it's worth considering using asynchronous video communication to keep your team productive.

#3: Fosters a robust team culture

In traditional real-time meetings, individuals may feel rushed to respond or may struggle to articulate their thoughts effectively. This can lead to misunderstandings and confusion among team members. However, with asynchronous video communication, individuals have the opportunity to carefully craft their messages and presentations. They can take the time to gather their thoughts, organize their ideas, and deliver their message clearly and concisely. This reduces the chances of miscommunication and ensures that everyone understands the information being shared. As a result, the overall quality of communication within remote teams is greatly improved, leading to more effective collaboration and better outcomes.

Case study: PrivateAuto’s feedback on using StoryPrompt's asynchronous video solution in managing their remote team communication

Overall, asynchronous videos are valuable tools that can greatly improve the success of remote teams. However, it's important to see actual results and user feedback to fully understand how this solution works. We reached out to our clients and asked them a few questions about their experience using asynchronous video technology to manage their remote teams. Their insights can provide valuable lessons for others considering implementing this innovative solution.

Company: PrivateAuto
Co-founder: Dana Marchlowitz

Question 1: What specific challenges or pain points led you to seek an (asynchronous video) solution like StoryPrompt?

Dana Marchlowitz: We are an all-remote team at PrivateAuto and we needed a way to communicate asynchronously as if we were in an office setting. Having video brings more of that personal touch we need when we are all working from home.

Question 2: How has our asynchronous video solution made a difference in addressing those challenges? 

Dana Marchlowitz: It has made it easier for us to send messages while on the go without having to send a written message. It has also allowed us to discuss UI and UX design in detail using the screen recording which is critical for our product development.

Question 3: What would you search for to find an asynchronous video solution like StoryPrompt? Also, what other solutions did you consider? 

Dana Marchlowitz: Asynchronous video, and video tools for remote work. We used Volley before StoryPrompt and considered Loom, and ZipMessage before committing to Storyprompt. We liked the UI and UX of Storyprompt better than the other two options.

Best practices for implementing asynchronous video communication in your team

The overall goal for business communication should be to provide a platform where everyone can stay informed and share information freely. However, with remote teams, some managers may not know how to implement asynchronous communication effectively, while accounting for different time zones and schedules.

5 Best practices for implementing asynchronous video solutions

#1: Provide communication training to your team

Asynchronous video is a new technology, and not everyone may know how to use it. So make sure you provide training to all employees and show them how to use videos in the workplace.

#2: Set up clear rules & expectations

Think of what kind of information you want your team to share and set up clear protocols, templates, and guides for sharing videos. 

#3: Use collaboration tools 

Collaboration tools like StoryPrompt, Trello, Slack, Drive, and others can help you stay organized and improve productivity when managing a remote workplace. 

#4: Encourage collaboration & feedback

Include regular check-ins (eg. weekly updates) when team members can openly discuss progress, share ideas, and get feedback on their work. 

#5: Delivering sensitive information

Some business communication is better discussed in person, or if that's not possible, in 1:1 calls. This includes hiring/firing staff, conducting performance reviews, or sensitive information like salary, increments, etc. 

Best asynchronous video tools and apps for remote teams

If you’re new to the remote workplace realm and don’t know where to start with asynch video, here are some tools you can explore:

  • StoryPrompt
  • Loom
  • ZipMessage
  • Zoom
  • ClickUp
  • MicrosoftTeams

Improve your productivity and save time with StoryPrompt’s async video solution! Get started for free today.

Alexandra Ceambur

Alle Ceambur is an experienced SEO content writer with a background in marketing and an MBA in global business from Coventry University (UK). Her articles on SaaS, technology and marketing aim to inspire small business owners and help them achieve tangible results quickly. Alle's work was featured in the Top 100 social media blogs, and you can get connected with her on Twitter at @SocialAlle.

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