
5 Video Testimonial Templates That Will Help You Boost Sales

Looking for a way to take your business to the next level? These video testimonial templates will help you showcase your happy customers and drive more sales.
Alexandra Ceambur
June 7, 2023

Why video testimonials are so powerful 

Video testimonials are the most convincing form of word-of-mouth marketing. When you capture your real clients speaking about their positive experience with your product (or service) it gives potential buyers the confidence they need to make a purchase. But getting good video testimonials from your clients is not so easy.

In this article, I'll share some of the best video testimonial templates you can use to grow your business with the power of social proof.

What are video testimonial templates?

A video testimonial template is essentially a script or a list of questions that you can send to your clients to help guide them in recording a testimonial or review for your product. They are important because what your clients say in their testimonials can shape the perception of new buyers over your entire brand. So, you'd want it to be really solid, wouldn’t you?  

Benefits of using video testimonial templates 

Many brands nowadays use testimonial templates. These templates can have different questions and formats depending on the goals you’re trying to achieve. Most importantly, you want your testimonials to resonate with your target audience and convince people who will most likely find themselves reflected in the review.

Video testimonial templates can help you:

  • Have a consistent testimonial format and style
  • Direct your customers to tell you how satisfied they are with your product/service
  • Make it easy for your customers to leave a review by providing them with guided questions directly from StoryPrompt
  • Save time by planning the questions in advance

Our video testimonial platform, StoryPrompt, was designed to help business owners save time and get the best testimonial videos from their clients. It simplifies the whole review process both for you and your clients. All you need to do is create and send a video prompt over to your clients and they can record a video testimonial using their mobile devices. This is much faster, easier, and more convenient for everyone! 

Just take a look at these testimonial examples made with StoryPrompt:

Examples of video testimonial templates

If you're feeling overwhelmed or not sure how to get started, I've gathered 5 video testimonial templates that will work for any business. Check them out below. 

#1: The Problem-Solution Testimonial

This type of testimonial is straightforward. It highlights a customer that had a problem and shares how your product or service helped them solve it. It is a great way to show potential customers how your product can make a real difference in their lives.

  • Step 1: Your customer introduces a problem or challenge that was affecting their daily life.
  • Step 2: Then, your customer explains how your product or service helped them solve the problem and made their life better. 

#2: The Before-and-After Testimonial

The before-and-after testimonial is a powerful way to showcase the real transformation your product or service can provide and inspire other customers to take action. 

  • Step 1: Customer describes their situation before they started using your product. This may include the challenges they were facing, the pain points they were experiencing, or the goals they were struggling to achieve. 
  • Step 2: Then, your customer explains the transformation they saw from using your product.
  • Step 3: Finally, demonstrate the results with before & after pictures or videos.

#3: The Compare-and-Contrast Testimonial

A comparison testimonial can help you showcase the unique benefits and value of your product or service in contrast to your competitors to win new customers. This type of testimonial is best done through a direct side-by-side comparison where a customer mentions how your product or service outperforms the competition. 

  • Step 1: Your customer starts by introducing your product.
  • Step 2: Then, let your customer mention a few reasons why your product outperforms the competition (features, benefits, quality, price, or value).

#4: The Expert Testimonial

When it comes to promoting a product, nothing holds more power than a testimonial from an industry expert. By having a trusted industry leader, a celebrity or an influencer endorse your product you can gain the trust of their audience and help position your brand as a leader in your industry. 

  • Step 1: The key is to find someone with a good reputation and a loyal following, and who can speak in a way that resonates with your target audience. 
  • Step 2: Have the expert endorse your product, explain how it works and how it compares to the competition.

#5: The Emotional Testimonial

The emotional testimonial is all about capturing your customer's emotional journey and using it to appeal to new audiences. By having a customer share their feelings of frustration, or hopelessness before using your product, and then describing how it helped them feel better, it will create a deeper connection with your audience.

  • Step 1: Start by having the customer describe how they were feeling before they started using your offering. This can include feelings of frustration, overwhelm, or even hopelessness. 
  • Step 2: Then, have them explain how your product or service helped them feel better, and more positive.

How to send a video testimonial request to your clients

Below is a sample email that you can use to send a formal testimonial request to your clients. Remember to include your StoryPrompt link so your customers find it easy to record a review.


I wanted to reach out to personally thank you for your continued support of our brand [company]. We noticed that you recently shared a post using our [PRODUCT] on social media and wanted to say we’re feeling so honored and happy that you’re enjoying it!

We like to share customer success stories on our website and we’re wondering if you’d be interested in being featured in a video testimonial. You can click on this link to submit a video testimonial from StoryPrompt. 

As a token of appreciation, we will send you a special [GIFT - CODE - FREE TRIAL - CUP OF COFFEE]. Thank you again for being a loyal customer!

PS: Let me know if you have any questions about submitting a testimonial. 

Best regards,


Questions to include in your testimonial request

Here are some examples of customer testimonial questions you can use in your video prompts:

10 Testimonial questions to include in your testimonial script

  1. What problems were you looking to solve using this [product]?
  2. How did you learn about this [product/service]
  3. What made you choose this [product] over competitors?
  4. Can you share your experience using [product]
  5. What did you like the most about the [product]?
  6. What results did you expect to get from using [product]?
  7. Did the [product] meet or exceed your expectations?
  8. Would you recommend this [product] to others?
  9. Who do you think should try this [product]?
  10. Are you planning to continue using [product]?

To learn more about the power of video testimonials - sign up to StoryPrompt.

Alexandra Ceambur

Alle Ceambur is an experienced SEO content writer with a background in marketing and an MBA in global business from Coventry University (UK). Her articles on SaaS, technology and marketing aim to inspire small business owners and help them achieve tangible results quickly. Alle's work was featured in the Top 100 social media blogs, and you can get connected with her on Twitter at @SocialAlle.

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